What to Do If You Find a Termite Nest on Nearby Trees

Posted on September 15, 2020

What to Do If You Find a Termite Nest on Nearby Trees

If you discover a termite nest on a tree near your property, you may be tempted to knock it down, spray it, or even set it alight.

There are many reasons why this is not a good idea. You could increase the risk of a termite infestation in your home or business. Depending on where the tree is located, you could also be tampering with public property, leaving you with a serious fine.

Here’s how to deal with a termite nest on a nearby tree without putting you or your property at risk. But first, how do these nests get here?

How termite nests are built in trees

Termite nests built on high branches in trees contain termites feeding on moist, rotting wood. They typically forage into the hollow inside of the trunk, and travel down the tunnels outside of the trunk to access the ground. If left untouched, the termites can find their way to nearby property.

Fruit trees, peppercorns, and Eucalyptus trees are often the most susceptible to termite infestation due to their hollow structure. This makes it easy for the termites to create a nest that meets all their needs: providing food, moisture, and cover from the elements. Pretty safe to say, when these nests show up: they don’t go away on their own.

Risks of taking the DIY route

Here are just some of the many reasons why taking the DIY route is dangerous and ineffective.

Only part of the problem

Termite nests built in trees only account for a small fraction of the total termite population. In fact, most of these nests do not contain the Queen. She is typically located deep within the tree and not the mound. So, even if you do destroy the nest, the Queen will still keep the population alive.

Increased risk of breaking the law

Is the problem tree located within your property boundary line? If not, then you are legally not allowed to tamper with the tree, and neither can a licensed pest controller. By law, these trees are considered government properly. Only the local council has the authority to take action. In this case, you should submit a complaint to your local council, and they will take the matter further.

Higher risk of infestation

Due to the aggressive secretive nature of termites, any attempt to tamper with thenest willencourage the termites to conceal themselves and relocate elsewhere – possibly your home or business. Worse still, the infestation could split into multiple nests, making treatment more time-consuming and costly to complete.

When to call a licensed pest expert

As previously stated, a licensed pest expert can only treat a termite-infested tree if it is located within your boundary line. If this is the case for you, contact your local pest experts to book an inspection.

On a suitable day and time, a technician will conduct a thorough inspection your tree and property and propose a custom treatment plan for you. The most effective form of termite control for nests located in trees is Termidor. This specially formulated chemical is designed to kill termites and eradicate the entire colony, including the Queen.

Your technician may also suggest preventive treatment in the form of a chemical termite barrier, so as to protect the building from the risk of future infestation.

Aside from having the best protection from termites, your service is also covered by a workmanship guarantee, providing at least 12 months or more of lasting protection.

Need help removing termite-infested tree near your property? Contact All Bugs today for professional termite control and total peace of mind.

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